
Corporate Services

How can reflexology benefit your company?

Regular reflexology treatments not only help to reduce stress and tension, but they may also speed recovery from a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses.

Benefits to your company may include:

  • Increased morale, satisfaction and loyalty of staff
  • Enhanced concentration, efficiency and accuracy
  • Improved creativity, planning and decision making
  • Better relationships amongst staff and between staff and management
  • The ability of staff to cope more effectively under pressure
  • Speedy recovery and return to work after illness, accident or surgery
  • Pain relief for stress related conditions, such as headaches, migraine etc.
  • Enhanced staff resilience and resistance to infection and disease
  • Optimum care for your staff by complementing conventional medicine

How can reflexology be used in your organistion?

The benefits of reflexology can be made available to your staff in a number of different ways, depending on the degree of input your organisation wishes to have.

From simply helping staff to become aware of the help that reflexology can offer to providing subsidised treatments in-house for your employees.

Please call Christine on 07904 430836 for further information and to discuss your requirements.

Book a relaxing treatment today